boys drop off pop songs
boys know how to fold
to fold gold to own room
blow brood words for shows
blow soft on words to follow
protocols of sorrow
pop songs concoct from hollow
moons from morn to morn
moons of glooms of hollows
plots throb on worlds
worlds know
worlds know how
only words go down on ghosts
only books go down on words
only storms go down on both
storms forgot worlds
most rooms forgot storms
most worlds forgot
forlorn words of lost consorts
forlorn bolts from bolt-ons
to long for
to long for boys
to long for boys for too long
for sons who grow from chords
for sons who sold words for gold
look boys
know how
know how to
go off or work or
go off for work or
go onto to non, on/off
world took over shock
Oh no: …
Oh know: …
world, doom, ow
tomorrow pop songs (hollow moon)
to fold gold to own room
protocols of sorrow
pop songs concoct from hollow
plots throb on worlds
storms forgot worlds
to long
for sons who
look boys
world took over shock
world, doom, ow
tomorrow pop songs (hollow moon)